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Apprenticeships are training programs run for workers to gain trade or certificate qualifications while they working. Apprenticeships can be run...
Training Contract A training contract is a formal document which outlines yours and your employers responsibilities during your apprenticeship. Your...
Your basic rights at work All apprentices are entitled to a set of basic rights at work. These are not...
"Working, learning: Better supporting Victorian apprentices on the job" - Download
What your employer must provide you as an apprentice: A workplace culture that promotes a zero tolerance for bullying and discrimination. ...
8 things you need to know about apprenticeships: Within 3 months, your employer must enroll you in a vocational education...
6 tips for dealing with workplace bullying Bullying is one of those things, you might not always be able to...
Minimum rates of apprentice pay The national minimum wage in Australia is $23.23 an hour or $882.85 per 38-hour week...
What hours will I be working as an apprentice? As an apprentice you can combine time at work with training....
Why every apprentice should join their union You're a new apprentice and you're excited and proud to start work... but...
If you're injured at work or trade school as an apprentice, here's what you need to do: Apprentices are covered...
TAFE costs covered by your boss Apprentices are generally entitled to have their TAFE costs funded by their employer, including...
Do I need to be supervised as an apprentice? The short answer is YES! Your employer must provide you with...
Apprentices should be regularly receiving pay slips from their employer.  Employers have 24hrs after they’ve paid you to provide you...
Bullying Workplace bullying is defined as repeated and persistent verbal, social or psychological abuse carried out by your employer, supervisor,...
We have created a checklist that you can use before you start an apprenticeship! This is a handy tool to...
It’s your employer's responsibility to keep you safe at work. It’s your employers responsibility to:  Provide a safe workplace  Train...
National Employment Standards The National Employment Standards (NES) are minimum standards that have to be provided to all employees. They...
As an apprentice you may have access to government incentives and funding These include: Australian Apprentice Training Support Payment  New...
A school-based apprenticeship or traineeship (SBAT) is a fantastic way for students to receive paid on-the-job training to work contributing...
Since the 1980's women have represented just 2% of the Australian trade workforce. This statistic needs to change. If you’re a...
Printable copies of Young Workers Centre posters. Click on each image to download:         
There are workplace laws that apply to all employees. As an apprentice, you are entitled to the same minimum entitlements...