We are excited to announce that, thanks to funding from Apprenticeships Victoria, the Young Workers Centre are rolling out on-campus training to all TAFE's across the state. The project is being rolled out in the second half of 2023 through to June 2025, with the aim of equipping apprentices with knowledge of their workplace rights and empower them to address issues in their workplaces.
Why is this needed?
In 2022, apprentices made up 70% of the clients that reached out to the Young Workers Centre for legal advice and support. Apprentices reach out to us from a variety of different industries, but the issues they raise are similar across the board. We are often contacted about a hybrid of issues including wage theft, unfair dismissal, unpaid TAFE fees, occupational health & safety and bullying & discrimination.
At the Young Workers Centre, we strongly believe that we can limit the risk to apprentices through education about workplace rights so that young workers can advocate for themselves, complete their apprenticeships and enter the workforce safely.
Training Modules
The four training modules will be delivered to all first-year apprentices in each TAFE. These can be delivered in full during a half-day session or individual modules can be delivered in 4 sessions of approximately 45 minutes.
See below for an outline of each module. Click here for a downloadable version.
Apprentice Readiness
- Apprentices will gain an understanding of their training contract, training plan, employment contracts, apprentice pay, TAFE fees, apprentice allowances and a basic rundown of workplace information.
Your Rights at Work
- This will equip apprentices with an understanding of employment laws and workplace information, including apprentice wages, awards, collective agreements, payslips and hours of work.
Occupational Health and Safety
- Apprentices will gain a practical understanding of OH&S procedures and laws, employer responsibilities, the importance of supervision, the role of health and safety representatives and how to keep safe at work. This module makes mention of physical safety and mental health at work.
Bullying and Discrimination at Work
- In the final module, apprentices will learn what constitutes workplace bullying, sexual harassment, and discrimination, as well as the necessary tools for responding to these issues. This module will include information about Brodie's Law and analyze how power imbalances between an employer and an apprentice makes apprentices vulnerable to bullying at discrimination at work.
Want to schedule a workers rights & safety session for your TAFE course?
Email [email protected] and one of our organisers will be in touch.