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Need help with a workplace issue?

  • Submit an enquiry for assistance using this form.
  • The form is preferred; however, you can also call on 1800 714 754.
    • Leave a message with your name, phone number and some details of the issue you are calling about. 

Young Workers Centre will call you back to take you through our intake process. We make calls between 10am – 3pm, Monday to Thursday. If you need a call outside these hours, please let us know when you fill out the form and we will try to arrange it.  

If we cannot make contact with you right away, we will send you an email to set up an appointment time.  

We will call you from a Private Number.  

What will happen when we call you? 

We will ask you questions over the phone. Those questions will include:  

  • Your personal details (name, age, address, visa status) 
  • Who your employer is 
  • What kind of work you do 
  • What problems you are having at work 
  • What outcome you are seeking 

Some of our questions are detailed. We ask you for lots of details so that we can look at all the legal options.  

Unfortunately, employment law can be very complicated, so there are many things that are important even if they might not seem to be.  

Talking about your issues at work might be triggering or upsetting. If you need to take a break, that is okay. Just let us know and we can organise to call you back.  

How long will it take?  

Our intake calls usually take about 20-30 minutes. If your matter is complicated, it might take a little bit longer.  

Who will I be talking to? 

A YWC advocate will call you. Our advocates are university students who volunteer with us and work under the supervision of YWC’s lawyers.  

What do I need for the call?  

For your comfort, we suggest making sure you are in a quiet, private place.  

We might ask you for some information you do not know off the top of your head – for example, your employer’s ABN or the date you started working for them. It’s okay if you don’t know the answer.  

What happens after the call?  

Our advocate will make detailed notes for YWC’s lawyers to review. We will assess your case, work out the best way we can assist, and get in contact with you by email.  

We will try to review your call within a week of speaking to you. We are a small team, and there may be some delays. If you are worried that you haven’t heard from us, you are welcome to call us again.  

  • Young Workers Centre 1800 714 754 or submit an enquiry using this form - The Young Workers is a community legal centre providing assistance, education and training to workers under 30.
  • Apprentice Support Officer 1300 311 820, [email protected] Your Apprentice Support Officer (ASO) is your first point of call for any concerns you have throughout your apprenticeship. Find out more about your ASO here.
  • Find Your Union - There's a union for every industry and every worker. Find more information about unions here. If you're already a member and have an issue in your workplace, reach out to your union. 
  • WorkSafe 1800 136 089 - WorkSafe is the is the Victorian WorkCover authority. Find out more about WorkCover here.
  • Headspace 1800 551 800 - National Youth Mental Health Foundation.
  • Victorian Registrations & Qualifications Authority (VRQA) 1300 722 603 - The VRQA oversees licensing in Victoria including assessing your employers capacity to take on an apprentice and your final qualification. You can contact the VRQA with query's or complaints. The VRQA also has authorized officers that have powers to enter workplaces, submit enquiries and inspect and copy documents.