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Training Plans and Contracts

Training Contract

A training contract is a formal document which outlines yours and your employers responsibilities during your apprenticeship. Your training contract must be signed by you and your employer and it must be registered. They are registered via an Australian Apprentice Support Network.

Your training contract must be signed and registered within 14 days of you beginning your apprenticeship.

The training contract outlines: 

  • Your work
  • Probation period
  • Your responsibilities and your employer's responsibilities

Employers obligations when entering into a training contract: 

  • Before an employer can enter into a Training Contract with an apprentice they must be approved to employ an apprentice. This is to ensure they are adequately placed to support an apprentice; that they have the appropriate premises, equipment and that they will provide suitable supervision and training.   
  • After signing the Training Contract, employers can pay you an apprentice wage and you can enrol in formal study. 

Training Plan

A training plan is a formal, working document which describes what training and assessment will be carried out during your apprentice's or trainee's training contract.   

You should receive a training plan within 3 months of your training contract being registered.

Each apprentice has their own training plan, which is developed by: 

  • The apprentice 
  • The employer 
  • A representation, often an apprenticeship support officer, of the RTO (Registered training organisation) 

The training plan includes: 

  • Information on where, when and how the training will be provided throughout the apprenticeship. 
  • Units and required Competency required for the chosen industry. 
  • Dates/time for apprentice to attend education at Registered training organisation.  
  • Requirements/ agreements terms for both the employer and the apprentice eg: Providing any workplace tasks listed in the training plan or carry out all learning and assessment as listed in the training plan. 
  • A training plan can only be varied or cancelled by agreement of both the apprentice and employer after the probation period. 

If you are unsure of any of the above, contact The Young Workers Centre or find support here.