8 things you need to know about apprenticeships:
- Within 3 months, your employer must enroll you in a vocational education and training course and arrange for the signing and lodgment of a Training Plan.
- You must be paid at least minimum wage.
Your employer must provide the minimum conditions for your industry, including:
- Minimum rates of pay, penalty rates and overtime rates.
- Meal and rest breaks.
- Hours of work and rostering.
- Duties.
- Superannuation.
- You must be supervised at work.
- You must attend your training sessions - training time is paid time!
- Your TAFE fees and textbooks must be reimbursed or paid for by your employer.
- You are entitled to a safe workplace including being trained to work safely, be given appropriate PPE and safe equipment.
- You have the right to refuse unsafe work & to report safety issues without fear.
If you are unsure of any of the above, contact The Young Workers Centre or find support here.