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What is an apprenticeship?

What is an apprenticeship?

Apprenticeships are training programs run for workers to gain trade or certificate qualifications while they working. Apprenticeships can be run both onsite and offsite, usually in collaboration with certified training organisations such as TAFE.  

Apprentices receive the same entitlements as other workers, such as annual leave, carer’s leave and sick leave. However, trainees and apprentices’ wages are set by the workplace award they are covered by. The minimum wages under the awards are much less than a fully qualified worker, and can depend on the level of the certificate, the year of the apprenticeship or the number of years a worker is out of school. 

It often takes 3 to 4 years to complete an apprenticeship full-time. An employee who starts their apprenticeship when they are 21 years old or older is known as an adult apprentice. 

The formal document, that outlines the agreement between the apprentice, the employer and the registered training organisation, is known as a training plan.  

Am I eligible?

You can undertake an apprenticeship if you are a school leaver, an adult looking for a career change or someone reentering the workforce.  

If you are unsure of any of the above, contact The Young Workers Centre or find support here.